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Shared Equipment

The LSI provides support to various departmental equipment in an effort to make it available to all LSI members.  The following departmental equipment is available to all LSI members for use.  Please contact the respective contact persons mentioned below for more information and to request access.


Equipment Location Contact Person Phone
Film Processor 3.440 Gold Lab 604-822-3401
Scintillation Counter 2.539 Gord Stewart 604-822-5646
Typhoon Imager 4.540 Jennifer Lian 604-822-0010
Microarray Analysis Equipment 4.520 Gord Stewart 604-822-5646
Labconco Lyophilizer 2.540C John Nomellini 604-822-6982
Robotic Colony Picker 2.520 Steven Hallam 604-827-3420
LiCor Odyssey Imager 3.525 Jung Hee Seo 604-827-5461
Beckman L90K Ultracentrifuge  2.534 John Nomellini 604-822-6982
Beckman L90K Ultracentrifuge  4.534 John Nomellini 604-822-6982
Covaris Focused Ultrasonicator 2.520.21 Diane Fairley  604-827-4216


Equipment Location Contact Person Phone
Digital Color & Workstation for Zeiss Scopte 3.420 Wayne Vogl 604-822-2395
Computer Workstation for LSI Imaging  plus Sidebook License 3.406 Fanrui Meng (Ray) 604-827-3946
Robert Nabi 604-822-7000
Scintillation Counter 3.420m Joy Richman 604-822-3568
Olympus FV1000 Confocal Microscope 3.432 Fanrui Meng (Ray) 604-827-3946
Robert Nabi 604-822-7000


Equipment Location Contact Person Phone
Cellomics Arrayscan VT1 5.420 Michel Roberge  604-822-2304
Typhoon Imaging 5.435  Jennifer Bonderoff  604-827-4250
LiCor Odyssey Imaging System 5.440 Franck Duong  604-822-5975
LiCor Odyssey Imaging System 5.340 Roger Brownsey  604-822-3810

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Life Sciences Institute
2350 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-827-3977

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