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Rooms and Rates

*Bookings exceeding 10 hours will be charged at the daily rate of $650.
* Room rental charges subject to change without notification.


*Bookings exceeding 10 hours will be charged at the daily rate of $650.
* Room rental charges subject to change without notification.


* Bookings exceeding 10 hours will be charged at the daily rate of $650.
* Room rental rates subject to change without notification.


* Bookings exceeding 10 hours will be charged at the daily rate of $650.
* Room rental rates subject to change without notification


*Bookings exceeding 10 hours will be charged the daily rate of $1800.
* Room rental rates subject to change without notification



* Bookings exceeding 10 hours will be charged the daily rate of $2100.
* Room rental rates subject to change without notification.


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Life Sciences Institute
2350 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-827-3977

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