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Rooms Available to Book
By Neera Vohra on August 27, 2013
West Atrium set up for Chancellor’s dinner
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Cellomics Arrayscan
By Neera Vohra on August 23, 2012
Automated detection and quantification of GFP-LC3 spots by HCS machine
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Scanning EM image – Bacterial Biofilm
By Neera Vohra on March 31, 2011
Low vacuum mode image (false-colored) of a bacterial biofilm growing on a micro-fibrous material.
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TEM Image – Sertoli Cell
By Life Science Receptionist (Departmental Account) on March 31, 2011
TEM of Sertoli cell apical process adjacent to a developing sperm cell.
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Scanning EM Image – Myxomycete Spore
By Neera Vohra on March 31, 2011
Research to assess the diversity of Myxomycetes in the Atlantic Forest.
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TEM Image – Sertoli Cell Junctions
By Life Science Receptionist (Departmental Account) on March 31, 2011
TEM of tight and adherens junctions between Sertoli cells.